March-April 2021
Standard Edition + Night Life Variant + Hot Pink Variant

Reprint Story: Masks
By Stewart C. BakerOriginally Published by SFComet
Min can tell by the way the man in the lizard mask drums the fingers of one hand on the surface of his desk that he is angry. She avoids the brigh...

The Revolving Couch Therapy Ride
By Bo Balder
Audio Narration by Bridie Jurasevich
They enter the Revolving Couch. Maxey is nervous, her friend Joene not so much.
“It's like at the carnival,” Joene says. Maxey knows Joene hasn't ...

The Last Miner
By Tom Jolly
Audio Narration by Aaron Sinn
Each day at the same time, PM12 beamed a signal at Earth to update its status. It didn’t stop working to perform this task.
Sometimes, there was a respon...

Drifting from Her Lunar Ruin
By Sloane Leong
Audio Narration by Holly Laurent
The scent of quartz hits you like a collapse, inky dreams crumbling into a cold, crisp awareness. White dust falls from your eyes and mouth as they...

The Past, History
By Aeryn Rudel
Audio Narration by John Druska
Murder was supposed to be a permanent situation. Jared Stiles should know; murder was his business, and contract killers didn't get paid unless their ...

Her Tongue Was Weighted with Salt
By Alexandra Seidel
Audio Narration by Erika Sanderson
Three chocolates sat in the box, peering out at Tamsin through the clear plastic cover. They glittered with coarse salt, the simple variety, ...

Your Augmented Home is Now Ready
By Erich Alan Werner
Audio Narration by Alli Nova
Blake has fallen asleep again, just moments after our bodies parted. So, I tiptoe in the dark to the other side of the bed and, gently removing th...

The Three Breeds of Lie
By T. M. Hurree
Mr. Mishra is the third gene agent I’ve seen today. The first had dark grey scales and a bifid tongue which flickered nastily as he rejected Son. The second had waxy, translucent sk...

The Hottest on the Hotline
By Evan Marcroft
Audio Narration by Molly Jenson
I was finishing up with a promising call when Judith came on to the intercom to announce that we had just broken our jumpslip goal for November, and...
Issue 002 Authors

Stewart C. Baker

Bo Balder

T. M. Hurree

Tom Jolly

Sloane Leong

Evan Marcroft

Aeryn Rudel

Alexandra Seidel

Erich Alan Werner
Issue 002 Artists

Burls & Bramble

Carly AF

Mashiene 11
Cover Artist
Issue 002 Voice Actors

John Druska

Molly Jenson

Bridie Jurasevich

Holly Laurent

Alli Nova

Erika Sanderson

Aaron Sinn