July-August 2023
Standard Edition + Red Alert Variant + Strange Horizons Variant

Letter from the Editor: Diminishing Returns
By Rob Carroll
The law of diminishing returns states that profits or benefits gained from something will represent a proportionally smaller gain as more money or energy is invested in it.

Cover Art Feature: Stinger
By Dofresh
“Twenty-five hundred tons of awesome…or awful. You know, whatever you wanna call it.”
—Dr. Newton Geiszler
Pacific Rim
Screenplay by Travis Beachem & Guillermo del Toro

Book Review: The Strange
Debut Novel by Nathan BallingrudReview by Sadie Hartmann
Book: The Strange by Nathan Ballingrud
Release Date: March 21, 2023
Genre: Science Fiction, Space Opera, Western, Alternative History, Horro...

Author Interview: Gabino Iglesias
Feature by Janelle Janson
Known for his gripping novels and short stories in the crime and horror genres, Gabino Iglesias has carved a unique niche for himself in the literary world. In this insigh...

Reprint Story: We're All Friends Here
By Michelle Ann KingOriginally Published in The Sockdolager
I lean against the back wall of the doctor’s office while the camera pans around me, getting good shots of the carefully placed symbols o...

By Eliane Boey
It doesn’t feel like four years ago, but that’s when I first saw the word launch itself into a dance above my head—one of far-reaching wings and long legs. At the time, I was a junio...

Grit and Culling on Triton
By Robert E. Harpold
That cherry tomato was going to taste sooo good. The skin popping as her teeth closed around it, the cold of the fruit combatting the warmth of her mouth, the tart juice lighti...

By Robin Rose Graves
“Good morning, Reagan #6529!” Alexa’s familiar voice pipes into her pod. Her heart pounds with the injection of adrenaline she received, combating the sedative she had six hour...

The Last Joyride
By Bill Gusky
"Why’d you call him that?” she said. “Was he good at, like, erasing things?”
Eli and Dania strolled the overgrown golf course at St. Anselm Park, sharing stories of the slug-faces the...
Issue 016 Authors

Eliane Boey

Michael A. Clark

Robin Rose Graves

Bill Gusky

Robert E. Harpold

Andrew Leon Hudson

Michelle Ann King

Angela Liu

Shannon Connor Winward
Issue 016 Artists

Butcher Billy

Cover Artist

Sloane Leong