October 2023
Standard Edition + Flea Market Variant + Found Footage Variant

Reprint Story: One Last Step
By Warren BenedettoOriginally Published as “Close Your Eyes” in Mythic Magazine
“Will it hurt?” I watched my father roll the sewing needle between his fingers, the tip glowing orange-red in the hea...

To Die a Monster
By Samuel Poots
I try to scream as it pulls me from its walls, but my vocal cords haven’t formed yet. It stitches me together, thread by thread, muscle and skin and bone snapping into place, until ...

By Rowan Hill
His grandaddy’s Civil War saber was a rusty and curved thing that swung on Leon’s hip like a second dick needing caressing. So that’s exactly what a cocksure hunter like Leon did—care...

Hotel Leviathan: The Dichotomy of a Beast
By Eygló Karlsdóttir
I wished for you.
The soft blue flowers always sway delicately back and forth in your hair. I placed them there myself as a reminder, and you didn’t seem to mind, not then and ...

Devil Child
By Kay Hanifen
"You were born under a bad sign,” Mother once said. “I should have known then, when the pain started, that you’d be nothing but misery.” She would comb my hair, braid it into dual pi...

Lizard Man
By Polly Hall
I didn’t want to look, but I knew it was him.
Too many nights I had wondered how long he would live alone outside, wearing hardly any clothes, even when the earth turned iron-hard wit...

By Victoria Nations
The human stood at the mouth of the alley, staring at Ghoul. She would be a silhouette to another human, with the low sun throwing rays from behind her. Shadows from the tall bu...

God's Watchful Eyes
By Grace R. Reynolds
Ruslan did not enjoy feeling threadbare strands of muscle stuck between his teeth. It brought him no pleasure to pluck away the soft tissue of a cadaver’s mutilated pectoral. S...

Station 99
By Amanda Cecelia Lang
Three weeks after my big brother ditched out on me, I raid his bedroom. Screw him if he thinks he can abandon me in this hell-house with nothing but stale memories and our as...
Halloween 2023 Authors

Warren Benedetto

Polly Hall

Kay Hanifen

Rowan Hill

Aia Järvinen

Eygló Karlsdóttir

Amanda Cecelia Lang

Victoria Nations

Zachary Olson

Samuel Poots

Grace R. Reynolds
Halloween 2023 Artists

Devin Forst
Cover Artist

Miranda Mundt

Dennis Preston